SongShop – A Songwriting Workshop

Jai’s ongoing monthly Saturday SongShop is an extraordinary ongoing workshop series filled with talented, inspiring songwriters. Each songwriter brings a song each month and Jai not only gives a professional critique of every song, but also uses them as a springboard to share all aspects of his knowledge of songwriting in the areas of melody, lyrics, chords, groove, structure, and marketing. Each songwriter not only learns what he or she needs to improve the song they brought, but most workshop participants say they learn even more from the things Jai discusses as part of his feedback on others’ songs. And in the process, as the months go by, virtually every songwriter reports that their songwriting has broken through to a new level.

Watch this brief testimonial from singer/songwriter Odessa Chen

There is also a goal setting and support process that helps everyone focus on achieving what’s next in their songwriting career. Its a very supportive family, and members not only talk to each other throughout the month, but also sometimes co-write, sing or play on each others’ demos, use each others’ studios, and in general do what they can to support each other.

The Saturday SongShop meets the third Saturday of every month on Zoom from 12:30 to 5:00 PM Pacific time.  Its not a drop-in group – membership is for a four month cycle, and most members return for many cycles. If anyone leaves, there are spots open for new members to replace them at the beginning of each new four month cycle – February, June, and October.

The cost is $495 for a full cycle – four daylong monthly workshops. If you need to miss one of the sessions, there is a procedure for getting both Jai’s and the group’s feedback on your song in absentia.

If you are interested in becoming part of SongShop when the next cycle begins and haven’t been a member before, a brief complimentary phone consultation is required prior to program registration. Feel free to contact Jai directly to set one up